What Is Voice Search? How Do You Optimise Your Website For It?

What Is Voice Search? How Do You Optimise Your Website For It?

With the increasing use of voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, voice search has rapidly gained… Read More

Apa Itu SEO?
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Apa Itu SEO?

Anda mungkin pernah mendengar frasa SEO sebelum ini, tetapi anda tidak begitu faham apa itu. Ia adalah… Read More

Profile picture of Carl Huang


现代的商业世界正在处于时代改革的交叉点。通过数据化以及透明的网络,大众可以更有效的获取各方资讯。在这个竞争激烈的数码商界中,各领域的商家也逐渐采用数字营销策略, 以争取更高的曝光率。因此,拥有一个有效的网络营销策略是非常重要的。搜索引擎优化(SEO)是一种用于帮助提升网页排名的技术,来吸取更多的自然流量和增加销售量。 SEO的重要性不仅在于提高搜索引擎排名,还在于它可以增强企业的品牌知名度和信誉度。随着越来越多的人使用互联网来查找产品和服务,企业需要将自己的网站优化以确保提高自身网页能在搜索引擎上被潜在客户找到的机率,并为他们提供高质量的用户体验。然而,SEO到底是什么?今天就让我们Primal来为您解答。 什么是搜索引擎优化(SEO)? 对于大多数不熟悉网络营销的企业主来说,SEO可能听起来有些陌生。SEO指的是搜索引擎优化,简而言之,就是通过一系列优化技术手段,借以提高网站在搜索引擎中的排名,从而提升网站的流量和曝光率。 身为全球普遍通用的搜索引擎,谷歌(Google)也自然成为了各行业排名的标准代表。谷歌至今仍然保密其排名算法,以及不直接透露系统是如何去衡量运算其网页的排名,全然采取自动化系统。对于自动化系统的官方陈述表明谷歌非常看中一个网页的用户体验、专业性、权威性和可信度,简称为 E-E-A-T。 然而许多SEO专业人士已透过无数的现实测验,可以断定数个有助于增加网页排名的元素。 SEO到底重要吗?… Read More

Primal’s 10 Ingenious Marketing Trends Shaping 2023 in Malaysia

Primal’s 10 Ingenious Marketing Trends Shaping 2023 in Malaysia

It’s that time of the year again – Christmas is approaching! Similar to other festive occasions like Valentine’s Day, Lunar… Read More

What Is Instagram Threads: A New Era Of Text-Based Conversations
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What Is Instagram Threads: A New Era Of Text-Based Conversations

In the dynamic world of evolving social media platforms, Instagram has taken a bold leap forward with the highly anticipated… Read More

All You Need To Know To Avoid A Google Penalty
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All You Need To Know To Avoid A Google Penalty

SEO experts work hard to get their websites to rank on the first page of Google. But some use shortcuts… Read More

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Paid & Free ChatGPT Alternatives That You Should Try in 2023

Welcome to the digital age, where the world is connected like never before. Marketing has always been challenging,… Read More

5 Copywriting Tips Hebat Untuk Konten Blog & Media Sosial
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5 Copywriting Tips Hebat Untuk Konten Blog & Media Sosial

Menulis konten yang best dan menarik perhatian kemahiran penting untuk penulis, terutamanya dalam industri… Read More

Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) Untuk Pemasaran Digital Yang Berkesan
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Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) Untuk Pemasaran Digital Yang Berkesan

Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) telah mengubah cara perniagaan beroperasi dan dunia pemasaran digital. Ini… Read More

Best Healthcare SEO Strategies
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Best Healthcare SEO Strategies

Healthcare SEO (or medical SEO) refers to search engine optimization (SEO) efforts for healthcare businesses,… Read More

How to Be an SEO Copywriter in Malaysia?
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How to Be an SEO Copywriter in Malaysia?

Do you want to be creative? Or be part of the hidden circle of… Read More

5 Sebab Strategi SEO Anda Selalu Gagal!
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5 Sebab Strategi SEO Anda Selalu Gagal!

Pengoptimuman enjin carian (search engine optimisation) mungkin kelihatan seperti satu konsep yang sangat rumit… Read More

Panduan Lengkap Untuk Menjadi Pakar SEO di Malaysia
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Panduan Lengkap Untuk Menjadi Pakar SEO di Malaysia

Kerjaya pemasaran digital sangat trendy pada masa kini. Ini tidak menghairankan, memandangkan lebih banyak perniagaan… Read More

Best Jobs Skills in Your Resume To Get Hired in No Time
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Best Jobs Skills in Your Resume To Get Hired in No Time

In today’s competitive job market, having a well-crafted resume is essential for job seekers. According to the Department… Read More

Mitos & Fakta Tentang Konsep Pemasaran Digital
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Mitos & Fakta Tentang Konsep Pemasaran Digital

Bukankah dunia pemasaran digital menarik? Dengan pelbagai pilihan yang disediakan, strategi pemasaran digital… Read More

Cara Buat Affiliate Marketing Di TikTok
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Cara Buat Affiliate Marketing Di TikTok

Platform TikTok mempunyai potensi yang besar untuk affiliate marketing, terutamanya untuk generasi muda yang… Read More

Impact of AI on Digital Marketing: Will AI Take Over My Job?
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Impact of AI on Digital Marketing: Will AI Take Over My Job?

As the world becomes increasingly digital, the marketing field has evolved rapidly, with artificial intelligence (AI) playing a… Read More

Pemasaran Digital Di Malaysia Sempena Hari Ibu dan Bapa
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Pemasaran Digital Di Malaysia Sempena Hari Ibu dan Bapa

Hari Ibu dan Hari Bapa makin menjelang! Jika anda tidak menggunakan taktik pemasaran digital untuk menjangkau khalayak anda… Read More

Pemasaran Semula: Amalan Terbaik untuk Pemilik Laman Web
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Pemasaran Semula: Amalan Terbaik untuk Pemilik Laman Web

Iklan pemasaran semula atau lebih dikenali sebagai remarketing ads… Read More

The Secret to Successful Affiliate Marketing Strategies
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The Secret to Successful Affiliate Marketing Strategies

The affiliate system is a popular method of earning money online, and it’s easy to see why. It’s… Read More

Rahsia Di Sebalik Kejayaan Affiliate Marketing
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Rahsia Di Sebalik Kejayaan Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing ialah sejenis pemasaran di mana sebuah perniagaan memberi ganjaran kepada rakan kongsi (… Read More

Migrasi ke Google Analytics 4 Dalam 12 Langkah Mudah
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Migrasi ke Google Analytics 4 Dalam 12 Langkah Mudah

Sekiranya anda bisnes dalam industri yang memerlukan pemasaran, sudah tentu anda pernah dengar tentang platform analitik Google Analytics. Read More

How To Calculate Conversion Rate: A Guide
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How To Calculate Conversion Rate: A Guide

If you’re a digital marketer, you’d know that, at some point, your marketing campaigns would eventually aim for… Read More

Instagram Reels: The TikTokification Of IG
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Instagram Reels: The TikTokification Of IG

Everyone’s favourite photo-sharing platform, Instagram, has undergone several changes in recent years. The biggest change is arguably the… Read More

5 Faedah Laman Web Untuk Perniagaan Anda
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5 Faedah Laman Web Untuk Perniagaan Anda

Banyak manfaatnya sekiranya anda mempunyai sebuah laman web tersendiri, terutamanya untuk… Read More

5 Proven SEO Real Estate Hacks To Increase Search Engine Rankings
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5 Proven SEO Real Estate Hacks To Increase Search Engine Rankings

Earlier, we talked about the many industries that benefit from search engine optimisation… Read More

Nak Viralkan Bisnes Anda? Tengok 4 Faedah Review Online Ini!
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Nak Viralkan Bisnes Anda? Tengok 4 Faedah Review Online Ini!

Dalam era digital ini, review online menjadi faktor penting yang membantu pengguna masa kini untuk membuat… Read More

A Comprehensive Guide to PPC for Real Estate Marketing
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A Comprehensive Guide to PPC for Real Estate Marketing

If you’re a real estate marketer, you know the importance of staying ahead of the competition. With… Read More

Nak Tahu Tips Berjaya Dalam Bisnes Kecantikan?
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Nak Tahu Tips Berjaya Dalam Bisnes Kecantikan?

Tahu tak nilai pasaran industri kecantikan di Malaysia dijangka mencecah AS$999 juta… Read More

How to Become a Business Development (BD) Professional
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How to Become a Business Development (BD) Professional

Psst! Here at our digital marketing agency in Kuala Lumpur, a… Read More

What Are Google CTV Ads?
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What Are Google CTV Ads?

Connected TV advertising (CTV advertising) has been steadily gaining popularity over the last few years because… Read More

Ingin Memasarkan Produk Di Facebook? Facebook Ads Lah! Apa lagi?
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Ingin Memasarkan Produk Di Facebook? Facebook Ads Lah! Apa lagi?

Antara alat pemasaran digital paling “panas” sekarang ialah pengiklanan rangkaian media sosial. Facebook (FB), yang telah wujud sejak… Read More

SEO KPIs To Track & How To Track Them
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SEO KPIs To Track & How To Track Them

So you think you’ve developed a foolproof search engine optimization (SEO) strategy – how do you know it’s… Read More

Kenapa Anda Perlu tahu Apa Itu Agensi Pemasaran Digital Untuk SME Anda
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Kenapa Anda Perlu tahu Apa Itu Agensi Pemasaran Digital Untuk SME Anda

Sebuah agensi pemasaran digital menggunakan kepakarannya untuk menjangkau pelanggan atas talian melalui saluran yang… Read More

Tips SEO: 7 Senjata Rahsia Untuk Penulisan Konten
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Tips SEO: 7 Senjata Rahsia Untuk Penulisan Konten

Sebagai pemilik perniagaan, memastikan laman web anda dimuat-naik dengan ciri-ciri search engine optimization atau… Read More

Ramadan Marketing Ideas to Double Your Sales
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Ramadan Marketing Ideas to Double Your Sales

Ramadan is just around the corner, and it’s a crucial time for businesses to connect with their Muslim… Read More

6 Kesilapan Pemasaran Digital di Malaysia Anda Patut Elak
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6 Kesilapan Pemasaran Digital di Malaysia Anda Patut Elak

Pemasaran digital merupakan strategi terbaik untuk mempromosikan produk atau perkhidmatan anda… Read More

Growth Hacking: The What, Why & How
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Growth Hacking: The What, Why & How

Growth Hacking has caught on over the years as more and more start-ups… Read More

The benefits of getting personal with ads personalization
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The benefits of getting personal with ads personalization

Have you ever wondered how ads always seem to find you whenever you browse through the Internet? Some… Read More

8 Content Tips Untuk Raya Semua Pemasar Digital Mesti Tahu!
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8 Content Tips Untuk Raya Semua Pemasar Digital Mesti Tahu!

Musim Ramadhan dan Raya semakin dekat, jadi pemasar digital wajiblah memanfaatkan peluang keemasan ini untuk tingkatkan promosi dan… Read More

Profile picture of Carl Huang


数字营销是指所有利用电子技术,来接触潜在客户并推广商品和服务的营销活动。数字营销的产生是为了符合新经济信息产业的需求。 随着时代的发展以及各领域逐渐电子化的趋势,数字营销也因此借住了各行业对网络技术的通用,而成为许多商家们的热门营销活动。 在资本主义中,共享经济是围绕资源共享而创建的社会经济体系。在完美的结合下,用户和商家都拥有双面性的资料交流。我们时常会在滑着手机或在社交网上接触到很多的品牌和产品营销广告等。这些通常都可以被归类为几种最常见的数字营销模式。 相对来比,传统的营销方式已经开始慢慢被线上营销所取代了。这也代表了数字营销即将会对未来营销理念深刻变革。 数字营销的终究目的就是为了实现信息以及电子化的全面策略。传统营销媒体,比如电视广告,广告牌,印刷媒体等,都属于单方的推广模式。用户读者都是通过全体性的单方信息传达。这种模式是概括各领域,年龄,性别,嗜好,的全面性推广。 相反的,数字营销是非常客制化以及针对性。这可以让商家更有效的把广告产品推出给所符合标准的用户,以此提升回报率以及营销效率。除此,数字营销也载有深层次性的追踪标签,可以让商家更有效透明化的了解用户的习惯,借此调整广告产品。 … Read More

ChatGPT? Apa tu?!
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ChatGPT? Apa tu?!

Bayangkan anda dapat memudahkan penghasilan konten atau artikel dan laporan penyelidikan pemasaran hanya dengan menggunakan satu aplikasi pintar?… Read More

World Consumer Rights Day: Do’s & Dont as an ecommerce Website
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World Consumer Rights Day: Do’s & Dont as an ecommerce Website

Ecommerce doesn’t just refer to popular shopping platforms like Shopee or Lazada, but it, in fact,… Read More

8 Tips To Set Your Content Strategy for Raya Up For Success
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8 Tips To Set Your Content Strategy for Raya Up For Success

It’s almost time for Hari Raya Aidilfitri! This is, by far, one of the more profitable festive seasons… Read More

Nail That Job As A Performance Marketing Specialist
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Nail That Job As A Performance Marketing Specialist

With performance marketing, advertisers pay based on ad performance, which usually cannot be manipulated if… Read More

Best Marketing Campaigns on Google For Sales, Traffic, & More
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Best Marketing Campaigns on Google For Sales, Traffic, & More

Marketing with Google ads can make or break your brand’s success in the digital space. With an overwhelming… Read More

The Ultimate Shopify SEO Guide To Help You Rank Your Site
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The Ultimate Shopify SEO Guide To Help You Rank Your Site

With Shopify eCommerce, you’d be able to build your own… Read More

Tips Pemasaran Raya Untuk PKS
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Tips Pemasaran Raya Untuk PKS

Masa dah dekat untuk Hari Raya Aidilfitri! Bagi pemilik perniagaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS) ini merupakan antara masa… Read More

Making the Most Returns Out of Your Raya Marketing Campaigns
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Making the Most Returns Out of Your Raya Marketing Campaigns

With Ramadan and Hari Raya just around the corner, it’s important for business owners… Read More

SMS and CRM Integration: How to Boost Your Customer Relationships
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SMS and CRM Integration: How to Boost Your Customer Relationships

If you’re looking to improve customer relationships, combining SMS and CRM is the way to go. You’ll be… Read More

Pemasaran Facebook: 5 Fasa Penting Untuk Tingkatkan Jualan
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Pemasaran Facebook: 5 Fasa Penting Untuk Tingkatkan Jualan

Facebook ialah salah satu platform pemasaran yang paling berkuasa yang ada hari ini. Dengan lebih 2 bilion pengguna… Read More

How to Become an SEO Specialist: A Complete Guide
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How to Become an SEO Specialist: A Complete Guide

A digital marketing career will be extremely sought-after in 2023. This isn’t surprising, considering the… Read More

Multiplied Sales With Multicultural Marketing
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Multiplied Sales With Multicultural Marketing

Scour the Internet, and you’ll find you’d be bombarded with advertisements everywhere you look. But what makes an… Read More

Why All Brands Must Invest in Valentine’s Day Marketing
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Why All Brands Must Invest in Valentine’s Day Marketing

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and it’s time for businesses to gear up for one of… Read More

6 Sebab Perniagaan Anda Perlu Pemasaran TikTok
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6 Sebab Perniagaan Anda Perlu Pemasaran TikTok

Dengan lebih 1 bilion pengguna aktif di seluruh dunia, TikTok telah menjadi salah satu platform media… Read More

Uncover The Key Strategies On How To Find Your Target Audience
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Uncover The Key Strategies On How To Find Your Target Audience

Every year, billions of dollars are wasted on advertising campaigns that fail to effectively reach and engage their… Read More

5 Marketing Campaigns Every Startups & SMEs Need To Run
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5 Marketing Campaigns Every Startups & SMEs Need To Run

Marketing is a vital component for any business, big or small, to stay competitive in the ever-changing business… Read More

Why Digital Marketing Is a Good Career To Pursue
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Why Digital Marketing Is a Good Career To Pursue

A digital marketing career is said to be one of the… Read More

Gunakan Tips Pemasaran TikTok Ini Pada Bulan Ramadhan
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Gunakan Tips Pemasaran TikTok Ini Pada Bulan Ramadhan

Rasa macam baru je Raya 2022 habis. Sekarang dah nak Ramadhan lagi (Psst.. puasa ponteng tu dah habis… Read More

Here’s Some Expected 2023 Google Algorithm Updates
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Here’s Some Expected 2023 Google Algorithm Updates

After eight reported major updates on Google’s algorithm in 2022 with great implications on site rankings and SEO… Read More

Good Vs Bad Link Building Strategies
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Good Vs Bad Link Building Strategies

Any good SEO company in Malaysia will tell you that link building… Read More

10 Industri Yang Boleh Dapat Manfaat Daripada Servis PPC
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10 Industri Yang Boleh Dapat Manfaat Daripada Servis PPC

Adakah anda seorang peniaga yang sedang mempertimbangkan strategi pemasaran terbaik untuk jenama dan bisnes anda? Pakar strategi pemasaran… Read More

4 Benefits Of An Online Review For Businesses
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4 Benefits Of An Online Review For Businesses

Online reviews have become an integral part of the modern consumer’s decision-making process. Whether it’s a product or… Read More

Exploring the Impact of Lensa AI on Digital Marketing
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Exploring the Impact of Lensa AI on Digital Marketing

First, chess. Then, Go. Now, creative works. Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a powerful tool that is changing… Read More

Common Misconception in Digital Marketing, Avoid Making These Mistakes!
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Common Misconception in Digital Marketing, Avoid Making These Mistakes!

Isn’t the world of digital marketing enticing? With a slew of options available, digital marketing helps your business… Read More

How To: eCommerce SEO
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How To: eCommerce SEO

A skilful eCommerce SEO strategy can bring in tangible profits for your online business. Your competitors might already be using… Read More

Set Up Google Analytics 4 (GA4) in 12 Easy Steps
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Set Up Google Analytics 4 (GA4) in 12 Easy Steps

Google announced the release of their brand new Google Analytics 4, a new version of its… Read More

Peruntukan Servis Pemasaran Digital dalam Perniagaan Anda
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Peruntukan Servis Pemasaran Digital dalam Perniagaan Anda

Dah mula berjinak-jinak dalam industri perniagaan, kadang-kadang mesti kecewa apabila perniagaan tidak membuahkan hasil yang kita inginkan. Hah,… Read More

Pros and Cons of SEO in 2023
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Pros and Cons of SEO in 2023

If you’re here, you probably already have an idea of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and its impact on… Read More

Nak Post Social Media Jadi Viral? Post Pada Waktu Sesuai!
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Nak Post Social Media Jadi Viral? Post Pada Waktu Sesuai!

Dalam era digital ini, pemasaran media sosial menjadi salah satu perkhidmatan utama untuk agensi pengiklanan di Kuala Lumpur. Read More

A Digital Marketer’s Advise On How To Prepare For Recession
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A Digital Marketer’s Advise On How To Prepare For Recession

So, wait, let us get this straight, after surviving the COVID-19 pandemic and about to achieve normalcy,  we… Read More

Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Website Migration
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Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Website Migration

Website migration is like moving house but instead of physical homes, it involves moving servers. Just… Read More

Google Ads Performance Max Campaigns: The What, Why, and How
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Google Ads Performance Max Campaigns: The What, Why, and How

Performance Max campaigns are a type of Google Ads (previously known as Google AdWords) campaign designed to maximise conversions… Read More

From SEO to Sales: How to Measure SEO ROI
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From SEO to Sales: How to Measure SEO ROI

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the centrepiece of a solid digital marketing plan for businesses that want to remain relevant… Read More

Adakah Pemasaran Video Berkesan Untuk Perniagaan SME Anda?
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Adakah Pemasaran Video Berkesan Untuk Perniagaan SME Anda?

Tahukah anda video antara format paling popular dengan pengguna sosial media?… Read More

What Is Internal Linking In SEO & Is It Important?
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What Is Internal Linking In SEO & Is It Important?

What Are Internal Links? What Is Internal Linking In SEO &… Read More

Your Complete Guide to Electronic Direct Mail (EDM) Marketing
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Your Complete Guide to Electronic Direct Mail (EDM) Marketing

As of 2022, there are 4 billion daily email users. Yes,… Read More

Blockchain Digital Marketing in 2023? What Will Happen?
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Blockchain Digital Marketing in 2023? What Will Happen?

There was so much buzz surrounding blockchain technology during the pandemic, but will there be any effects beyond… Read More

Is SEO Dead? Short Answer is No! Here’s Why!
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Is SEO Dead? Short Answer is No! Here’s Why!

SEO has been around for a long time, and there have been many… Read More

Robot Tulis Blog Anda? Teknologi AI SEO Terbaru!
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Robot Tulis Blog Anda? Teknologi AI SEO Terbaru!

 Sebenarnya apa itu teknologi AI? AI atau artificial intelligence (kecerdasan buatan) ialah simulasi… Read More

7 Psychological Marketing Techniques Proven To Increase Sales
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7 Psychological Marketing Techniques Proven To Increase Sales

Play your cards right; you’ll be able to double, triple, or even quadruple your profits. As… Read More

Awas! Berikut Taktik SEO Buruk Yang Perlu Dielakkan
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Awas! Berikut Taktik SEO Buruk Yang Perlu Dielakkan

Setiap perniagaan pada era Covid-19 memerlukan strategi SEO yang mantap.  Banyak… Read More

Why businesses must invest in digital marketing in 2023?
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Why businesses must invest in digital marketing in 2023?

Businesses have finally realized that in order to stay ahead of the competition, they need to invest in… Read More

7 Best Content Writing Tools for SEO 2023
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7 Best Content Writing Tools for SEO 2023

As a business owner, it’s important to ensure that your website is performing as well as possible in… Read More

10 Industri Yang Boleh Manfaatkan Dari Servis SEO
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10 Industri Yang Boleh Manfaatkan Dari Servis SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ialah salah satu strategi pemasaran perniagaan yang paling… Read More

Is Your Business Web 3.0 Ready?
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Is Your Business Web 3.0 Ready?

It’s hard to believe that we’ve been using the internet for over 25 years now. In that time,… Read More

Digital Marketing for NGO
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Digital Marketing for NGO

You could be thinking, as a non-profit organisation, how can digital marketing strategies… Read More

Perniagaan Tak Maju? Cuba Servis Agensi Pemasaran Digital!
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Perniagaan Tak Maju? Cuba Servis Agensi Pemasaran Digital!

Setiap pemilik perniagaan akan memberitahu anda bahawa salah satu perkara yang paling sukar untuk memulakan perniagaan ialah mendapat… Read More

How To Grow Your TikTok Shop With ZERO Followers
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How To Grow Your TikTok Shop With ZERO Followers

TikTok came from nowhere, following in the trails of Dubsmash, Musically and the likes, quickly taking thrones as… Read More

A List Of SEO Tools That You Need In 2023
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A List Of SEO Tools That You Need In 2023

Every business needs something a little different to truly stand out. However, no business post-Covid-19 should… Read More

Nak TikTok Masuk FYP? Post Pada Waktu Ini
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Nak TikTok Masuk FYP? Post Pada Waktu Ini

Dari aspek pemasaran digital, sekarang banyak aplikasi yang digunapakai oleh agensi dan syarikat dan tiktok menjadi satu satunya… Read More

RECAP: Viral Internet Challenges That Have Rocked The World
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RECAP: Viral Internet Challenges That Have Rocked The World

Disclaimer: The following blog post mentions acts of self-harming and dangerous practices that should not be replicated. Internet… Read More

What are the best times to post on social media?
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What are the best times to post on social media?

As social media marketing becomes one of the primary services for advertising agencies… Read More

Buka TikTok Shop Di Malaysia Walaupun Followers KOSONG!
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Buka TikTok Shop Di Malaysia Walaupun Followers KOSONG!

Anda mungkin fikir, “Saya tidak mempunyai followers di TikTok, jadi bagaimana saya boleh buka TikTok shop… Read More

YouTube Ads For Newbies: How It Helps In Growing Your Business In Malaysia
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YouTube Ads For Newbies: How It Helps In Growing Your Business In Malaysia

We know, we know, writing a blog about the benefits of YouTube ads is extremely “devil advocate-y” if… Read More

4 Strategi Pemasaran Digital Yang Efektif Untuk PKS
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4 Strategi Pemasaran Digital Yang Efektif Untuk PKS

Mencari strategi pemasaran digital yang betul untuk perniagaan ialah proses yang susah. Dengan… Read More

What is Responsive Search Ads and How do We Use Them
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What is Responsive Search Ads and How do We Use Them

As our lives become more automated, you now have an extra tool in your digital marketing arsenal –… Read More

7 Kelebihan SEM yang Anda Patut Tahu Hari Ini
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7 Kelebihan SEM yang Anda Patut Tahu Hari Ini

Dalam sesebuah perniagaan, terdapat pelbagai taktik untuk untuk meningkatkan pendapatan perniagaan anda, sama ada melalui pemasaran tradisional atau… Read More

Who Needs SEO? 10 Industries That Benefit The Most From SEO
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Who Needs SEO? 10 Industries That Benefit The Most From SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of a business’s most critical marketing strategies. It helps companies to rank… Read More

10 Jenis Algoritma Google Penting Untuk Laman Web Anda
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10 Jenis Algoritma Google Penting Untuk Laman Web Anda

Sebenarnya, apa itu algoritma? Dalam rangkaian, algoritma adalah cara atau formula untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Google sendiri menggunakan algoritma… Read More

6 Social Media Trends Marketers Need to Know About for 2023
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6 Social Media Trends Marketers Need to Know About for 2023

You’ll never know which social media trend will blow up next. But we have insights. Social… Read More

6 Bad SEO Practice Every Local Business Should Avoid
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6 Bad SEO Practice Every Local Business Should Avoid

Businesses can no longer afford to ignore the power of search engine optimization… Read More

Google’s Helpful Content Update: SEO for People, Not Bots

Google’s Helpful Content Update: SEO for People, Not Bots

A lot has changed on the internet over the years. Google, one of the biggest search engine players in search… Read More

Apa Itu Kata Kunci SEO & Kenapa Ia Penting?
Profile picture of Iffah Farhanah

Apa Itu Kata Kunci SEO & Kenapa Ia Penting?

Jika anda menjalankan perniagaan di Malaysia, ia adalah sangat penting untuk memastikan laman web anda optimasi untuk… Read More

Digital Marketing Trends for 2023 You Should Know About
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Digital Marketing Trends for 2023 You Should Know About

Phew, what a year it has been for digital marketing and digital marketers! 2022 saw the rise in… Read More

The Best of White Hat & Black Hat SEO: Grey Hat SEO

The Best of White Hat & Black Hat SEO: Grey Hat SEO

If you’ve ever searched for information on SEO, you’ve probably come across the terms “White Hat” and “Black… Read More

Cara Praktikkan SEO dan SEM Untuk Perniagaan Anda
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Cara Praktikkan SEO dan SEM Untuk Perniagaan Anda

Bila mula berjinak-jinak dalam pemasaran digital ini, frasa SEO dan SEM mesti… Read More

What is YMYL, and Why does it Matter?

What is YMYL, and Why does it Matter?

The abbreviation “YMYL” (Your Money or Your Life) is frequently used in SEO. Read More

8 Types of Schema Markups For Small Businesses
Profile picture of Iffah Farhanah

8 Types of Schema Markups For Small Businesses

Schema Markup (often called schema) is a semantic vocabulary of tags (or microdata) that you can add to… Read More

What is Search Intent & Its Importance in SEO Strategy
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What is Search Intent & Its Importance in SEO Strategy

Search intent, or user intent, is the aim users try to achieve while searching for information in… Read More

Apa Itu Pemasaran Digital? Definisi & Senarai Contoh
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Apa Itu Pemasaran Digital? Definisi & Senarai Contoh

Pemasaran digital adalah istilah yang biasa digunakan, tetapi adakah anda tahu dengan tepat maksudnya? Ringkasnya, ia… Read More

Google My Business (GMB): The Right Tool For Small Businesses
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Google My Business (GMB): The Right Tool For Small Businesses

Google My Business (GMB) is a free tool from Google that helps you to manage your business online. One of… Read More

PSA: Digital Marketing Scam Case In Malaysia
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PSA: Digital Marketing Scam Case In Malaysia

As the digital industry continues to grow, impersonation scams have also been on the rise. Many brands have had to… Read More

SEO Outreach: What it is & Why it’s Important For Your Website
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SEO Outreach: What it is & Why it’s Important For Your Website

SEO outreach is a powerful tool for expanding the reach of your website. It allows you to… Read More

ECommerce SEO Strategies for 2023
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ECommerce SEO Strategies for 2023

As an eCommerce business, you have many options to enhance your search engine ranking. The best way… Read More

Search Engine Marketing (SEM): How to Do It Right
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Search Engine Marketing (SEM): How to Do It Right

Search Engine Marketing is a powerful marketing strategy that helps you place your business higher on Google Search. With every… Read More

The Dangers of SEO Keyword Stuffing
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The Dangers of SEO Keyword Stuffing

Google ranks your content, your website, and your business based on a range of factors. It uses them as an… Read More

Top 6 Trending Rich TikToker in 2023
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Top 6 Trending Rich TikToker in 2023

Do you want to become a social media influencer on TikTok? Let’s see the highest earning TikTok stars trending on… Read More

What Kind of SEO Trends Look Best for 2023?
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What Kind of SEO Trends Look Best for 2023?

Search Engine Optimization has been all the rave for businesses wanting exposure. Read More

Why You Should Consider Pay Per Click Advertising For Your Brand?
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Why You Should Consider Pay Per Click Advertising For Your Brand?

When considering the best marketing strategy for their brands, strategists often come across the benefits of pay… Read More

Why Your Business Should Start Optimizing Local SEO
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Why Your Business Should Start Optimizing Local SEO

If you manage a local business and have an online presence, you should be optimizing your website… Read More

Four Effective Digital Marketing Strategies SMEs Need To Look Out For
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Four Effective Digital Marketing Strategies SMEs Need To Look Out For

Social Media Advertising, SEO, SEM, Content Marketing, these are all marketing tools businesses often use to build… Read More

What Are Google Rich Snippets & Will They Affect SEO?
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What Are Google Rich Snippets & Will They Affect SEO?

Google rich snippets are additional information that is displayed on search engine result pages alongside your standard google snippet, which… Read More

Harnessing The Power of Social Media Advertising
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Harnessing The Power of Social Media Advertising

As you’re reading this, your other tabs are opened to a few of your favourite social media platforms, from the… Read More

What Google MUM Means for SEO in 2023 & Why it Matters
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What Google MUM Means for SEO in 2023 & Why it Matters

You would think with all the progressive developments Google has brought, and with all the facilities it has provided us… Read More

Google E-A-T: 5 Reasons Why You Should Follow This Guidelines Immediately 
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Google E-A-T: 5 Reasons Why You Should Follow This Guidelines Immediately 

Google EAT is a list of potent guidelines deemed crucial by Google to tag your content, your brand, and your… Read More

Choosing The Best CMS For SEO
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Choosing The Best CMS For SEO

Whether you are a freelancer, SME or large enterprise, a content management system is an essential tool for… Read More

How Google Core Update Affects SEO
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How Google Core Update Affects SEO

The core update reflects Google’s major update to the ranking algorithm which affects many websites. They usually come… Read More

What is an Image Alt Tag & How to Optimize Images
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What is an Image Alt Tag & How to Optimize Images

Image Alt tags are short text snippets used to relate the image used on a particular web page to the… Read More

Is It Worth Advertising on Tik Tok?
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Is It Worth Advertising on Tik Tok?

As someone who’s running a brand or business or working in a digital marketing agency in Malaysia (or anywhere… Read More

Top 6 Social Media Ads For Your Business
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Top 6 Social Media Ads For Your Business

Social media advertising is one of the most effective ways to reach your audience and grow your business. The… Read More

Top 5 Benefits of Enterprise SEO for Your Company
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Top 5 Benefits of Enterprise SEO for Your Company

Enterprise SEO (or SEO enterprise) is a powerful solution for your company’s SEO needs. It’s a full-scale SEO software… Read More

Canonical Tags & Why Your Content Needs Them
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Canonical Tags & Why Your Content Needs Them

Duplicate content can be a huge thorn in the side of any site’s SEO efforts. Not only does it… Read More

What Should You Do With Expired Content?
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What Should You Do With Expired Content?

Have you ever heard of the phrase “dead link”? A dead link is an old or nonfunctional URL… Read More

Why You Need Hreflang Tags In Your Global Website
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Why You Need Hreflang Tags In Your Global Website

Expanding your business is a huge opportunity to increase revenue and reach a wider network of customers. But how does… Read More

Can Google Detect Your AI-Generated Content?
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Can Google Detect Your AI-Generated Content?

In a world where technology is constantly evolving, it’s no surprise that artificial intelligence (A.I.) has… Read More

5 SEO Mistakes to Avoid in 2023
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5 SEO Mistakes to Avoid in 2023

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) might seem like a complicated concept but it’s actually all about the user and their… Read More

5 Things to Look for in a Digital Marketing Agency
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5 Things to Look for in a Digital Marketing Agency

What is a digital marketing agency? Let’s face it, when you’re looking for a marketing agency or specialist to help… Read More

How to Increase Brand Awareness on Social Media
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How to Increase Brand Awareness on Social Media

What does brand awareness mean for a business? Simply put, it’s how recognizable your brand is for your target audience. Read More

The Hreflang Ultimate Guide
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The Hreflang Ultimate Guide

In this article, we will dive into the details of hreflang, how they work, and best practices for… Read More

A Guide to Lazy Loading for Better SEO Performance
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A Guide to Lazy Loading for Better SEO Performance

Lazy loading is a neat little technique used to improve page speed (and therefore user experience) by only loading images… Read More

What Is Schema Markup in SEO?
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What Is Schema Markup in SEO?

Are you confused about this term “Schema Markup?” What Is it and how does it add to your… Read More

Why do Educational Institutes need to Focus on SEO?
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Why do Educational Institutes need to Focus on SEO?

When it comes to educational institutes, the most important thing to do is to make them recognized online… Read More

Benefits of Google Ads For Your Business Goal
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Benefits of Google Ads For Your Business Goal

Being an owner of the startup, why don’t you invest in Google Ads so you can make more money? Growing… Read More

Why Shopify SEO Helps Improve Your Business
Profile picture of Carl Huang

Why Shopify SEO Helps Improve Your Business

In recent years, the retail business has undergone a significant transition as more and more consumers turn to… Read More

Ways To Improve SEO Strategy For Travel Websites
Profile picture of Carl Huang

Ways To Improve SEO Strategy For Travel Websites

SEO is an effective long-term marketing plan that ensures a site’s presence in the top-ranking positions for extended… Read More

Understanding The Importance Of User Intents In SEO
Profile picture of Carl Huang

Understanding The Importance Of User Intents In SEO

What is user intent and why is it so important? In the current digital environment, a major part… Read More

How To Use Google Trends For SEO Strategy
Profile picture of Carl Huang

How To Use Google Trends For SEO Strategy

Following trends keeps you up to speed on the latest news. You can observe what has changed, how… Read More

Top Reasons Why You Should Start Investing in Keyword Research in 2023
Profile picture of Carl Huang

Top Reasons Why You Should Start Investing in Keyword Research in 2023

Keyword research should be one of the top priorities in any marketing effort because it will… Read More

SEO Agency vs Freelancer vs In-House SEO: Which One Fits Your Business?
Profile picture of Carl Huang

SEO Agency vs Freelancer vs In-House SEO: Which One Fits Your Business?

With each passing day, the value of online marketing grows. Both large and small start-ups are engaging in… Read More

How to Find Out if Your SEO Agency is Helping You?
Profile picture of Carl Huang

How to Find Out if Your SEO Agency is Helping You?

Nobody expects you to know all there is to know about professional SEO services… Read More

How to Find Long Tail Keywords?
Profile picture of Carl Huang

How to Find Long Tail Keywords?

Are you a writer and wondering how to get your content to rank on top? Well, here’s what you need… Read More

10 Reasons Why You Should Hire An SEO Company in 2023
Profile picture of Carl Huang

10 Reasons Why You Should Hire An SEO Company in 2023

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a crucial tool for increasing traffic and enhancing the performance of your website. Read More

What is Sitemap & Why are they Important to SEO?
Profile picture of Carl Huang

What is Sitemap & Why are they Important to SEO?

When thinking about implementing an SEO strategy for your website, you would find many experts telling you… Read More

Why Google Page Experience Matters For Your Website
Profile picture of Carl Huang

Why Google Page Experience Matters For Your Website

Certain signals would have to be considered for the Google Page Experience report to be rolled out. Find… Read More

Everything You Need To Know About Page Redirection In SEO
Profile picture of Carl Huang

Everything You Need To Know About Page Redirection In SEO

The main goal of implementing search engine optimization (SEO) into your marketing… Read More

Employing SEO For Financial Services Made Easier
Profile picture of Carl Huang

Employing SEO For Financial Services Made Easier

Let’s start with the basics, shall we? What exactly is SEO, what’s the hype behind it, and how do… Read More

How SEO Can Boost Brand Awareness For Startup Business
Profile picture of Carl Huang

How SEO Can Boost Brand Awareness For Startup Business

When starting up a new business, one of the first things you need to do is build awareness. Read More

How Does Local SEO for Small Business Work?
Profile picture of Carl Huang

How Does Local SEO for Small Business Work?

There’s no denying that if you’re a local business owner just starting, you’re looking for every nook and cranny… Read More

Tips & Tricks To Master Mobile SEO For Your Businesses
Profile picture of Carl Huang

Tips & Tricks To Master Mobile SEO For Your Businesses

A worldwide study conducted in 2022 found that mobile devices (excluding tablets) generated 54.4% of global website… Read More

Benefits of SEO: Why Your Business Should Rank 1st On Google
Profile picture of Carl Huang

Benefits of SEO: Why Your Business Should Rank 1st On Google

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is becoming a staple to most businesses’ digital marketing strategy. SEO benefits for business… Read More

SEO Copywriting: The Balance Between SEO & Quality Content
Profile picture of Carl Huang

SEO Copywriting: The Balance Between SEO & Quality Content

One of the biggest challenges bloggers and content marketers face is writing content that both ranks well on search… Read More

The Secret To A Successful eCommerce Business: SEO Marketing
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The Secret To A Successful eCommerce Business: SEO Marketing

You know there is a massive demand for your products and services. You know they are going to sell. Read More

Reasons Why You Should Hire A Digital Marketing Agency For Your Business
Profile picture of Carl Huang

Reasons Why You Should Hire A Digital Marketing Agency For Your Business

Just a simple background, a digital marketing agency uses its expertise to reach customers online via… Read More

SEO: What Are Core Web Vitals?
Profile picture of Carl Huang

SEO: What Are Core Web Vitals?

The Page Experience Update was rolled out starting mid-June 2021 and completed in August 2021. Just… Read More

Why You Should Invest in NFTs: A Complete Breakdown
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Why You Should Invest in NFTs: A Complete Breakdown

Let’s skip the chit-chat and get right into what exactly is an NFT! What is an… Read More

3 Important Factors to Determine a Successful SEO Strategy
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3 Important Factors to Determine a Successful SEO Strategy

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, can be overwhelming even to those in the digital marketing industry. Read More

5 Significant Ways SEO Benefits SME Businesses
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5 Significant Ways SEO Benefits SME Businesses

SEO, or search engine optimization, benefits SME (Small and medium-sized enterprises) business owners by creating… Read More

Optimize Your Google Ads Campaigns with Keyword Match Types

Optimize Your Google Ads Campaigns with Keyword Match Types

As of July 2021, Google was the most used search engine in Malaysia (98.23%), and it… Read More

Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing: An Overview

Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing: An Overview

In the 21st century, no matter what business you have, it cannot survive without effective marketing… Read More

5 Tips For Choosing The Right Keywords
Profile picture of Jonathan Stacey

5 Tips For Choosing The Right Keywords

Keyword research and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) go hand-in-hand! For your website to be discoverable on the Search… Read More

Is It Hard to Get Backlinks in Malaysia?
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Is It Hard to Get Backlinks in Malaysia?

A backlink is one of the most important factors when considering creating a website or blog. A backlink… Read More

Why is Mobile SEO Critical for your business growth
Profile picture of Jonathan Stacey

Why is Mobile SEO Critical for your business growth

Over the last decade, a shift in how websites are viewed occurred. The percentage of people using a… Read More

How can Link Building Help Improve Your SEO Performance
Profile picture of Jonathan Stacey

How can Link Building Help Improve Your SEO Performance

What is Link Building? Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of earning organic… Read More

How can Display Advertising Help Grow Your Business?
Profile picture of Jonathan Stacey

How can Display Advertising Help Grow Your Business?

Traditional advertising methods such as TV and radio commercials, and print ads appearing in newspapers and… Read More

A Guide to Facebook Ads
Profile picture of Jonathan Stacey

A Guide to Facebook Ads

The world of digital marketing can be overwhelming, especially to those new on the scene. Options abound for… Read More

What Is Social Media Marketing and How Can It Help Your Business Grow
Profile picture of Jonathan Stacey

What Is Social Media Marketing and How Can It Help Your Business Grow

There are several types of online marketing. Social media marketing is one of the most effective Internet… Read More

Optimise Website Visibility with Google Console
Profile picture of Jonathan Stacey

Optimise Website Visibility with Google Console

Fewer things are more frustrating than launching a quality website that is enhanced for Search Engine Optimisation… Read More

Generate More Sales with Facebook Collaborative Ads
Profile picture of Jonathan Stacey

Generate More Sales with Facebook Collaborative Ads

In the digital-first world, platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have made online shopping even more convenient. Internet… Read More

SEO vs. SEM: What’s the difference and which one works best?
Profile picture of Jonathan Stacey

SEO vs. SEM: What’s the difference and which one works best?

Marketing continues to evolve thanks in part to digital tools and techniques. When the first website went live… Read More

The Role Content Marketing Plays in Increasing Brand Awareness
Profile picture of Jonathan Stacey

The Role Content Marketing Plays in Increasing Brand Awareness

The Essence of Content Marketing and why it works The Internet is, without a… Read More

Understanding The Basics of Google Ads
Profile picture of Jonathan Stacey

Understanding The Basics of Google Ads

Searching for products and services is now easier than ever before. Google boasts 3.5 billion searches per day,… Read More

What is Digital Marketing and how can your business benefit from it?
Profile picture of Jonathan Stacey

What is Digital Marketing and how can your business benefit from it?

Over the last decade or so, the concept of digital marketing has completely changed the way… Read More

Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Website Migration
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Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Website Migration

Website migration is like moving house but instead of physical homes, it involves moving servers. Just… Read More

From SEO to Sales: How to Measure SEO ROI
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From SEO to Sales: How to Measure SEO ROI

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the centrepiece of a solid digital marketing plan for businesses that want to remain relevant… Read More

What Is Internal Linking In SEO & Is It Important?
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What Is Internal Linking In SEO & Is It Important?

What Are Internal Links? What Is Internal Linking In SEO &… Read More

Is SEO Dead? Short Answer is No! Here’s Why!
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Is SEO Dead? Short Answer is No! Here’s Why!

SEO has been around for a long time, and there have been many… Read More

Robot Tulis Blog Anda? Teknologi AI SEO Terbaru!
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Robot Tulis Blog Anda? Teknologi AI SEO Terbaru!

 Sebenarnya apa itu teknologi AI? AI atau artificial intelligence (kecerdasan buatan) ialah simulasi… Read More

Awas! Berikut Taktik SEO Buruk Yang Perlu Dielakkan
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Awas! Berikut Taktik SEO Buruk Yang Perlu Dielakkan

Setiap perniagaan pada era Covid-19 memerlukan strategi SEO yang mantap.  Banyak… Read More

7 Best Content Writing Tools for SEO 2023
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7 Best Content Writing Tools for SEO 2023

As a business owner, it’s important to ensure that your website is performing as well as possible in… Read More

10 Industri Yang Boleh Manfaatkan Dari Servis SEO
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10 Industri Yang Boleh Manfaatkan Dari Servis SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ialah salah satu strategi pemasaran perniagaan yang paling… Read More

Perniagaan Tak Maju? Cuba Servis Agensi Pemasaran Digital!
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Perniagaan Tak Maju? Cuba Servis Agensi Pemasaran Digital!

Setiap pemilik perniagaan akan memberitahu anda bahawa salah satu perkara yang paling sukar untuk memulakan perniagaan ialah mendapat… Read More

A List Of SEO Tools That You Need In 2023
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A List Of SEO Tools That You Need In 2023

Every business needs something a little different to truly stand out. However, no business post-Covid-19 should… Read More

7 Kelebihan SEM yang Anda Patut Tahu Hari Ini
Profile picture of Iffah Farhanah

7 Kelebihan SEM yang Anda Patut Tahu Hari Ini

Dalam sesebuah perniagaan, terdapat pelbagai taktik untuk untuk meningkatkan pendapatan perniagaan anda, sama ada melalui pemasaran tradisional atau… Read More

Who Needs SEO? 10 Industries That Benefit The Most From SEO
Profile picture of Iffah Farhanah

Who Needs SEO? 10 Industries That Benefit The Most From SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of a business’s most critical marketing strategies. It helps companies to rank… Read More

10 Jenis Algoritma Google Penting Untuk Laman Web Anda
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10 Jenis Algoritma Google Penting Untuk Laman Web Anda

Sebenarnya, apa itu algoritma? Dalam rangkaian, algoritma adalah cara atau formula untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Google sendiri menggunakan algoritma… Read More

6 Bad SEO Practice Every Local Business Should Avoid
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6 Bad SEO Practice Every Local Business Should Avoid

Businesses can no longer afford to ignore the power of search engine optimization… Read More

Google’s Helpful Content Update: SEO for People, Not Bots

Google’s Helpful Content Update: SEO for People, Not Bots

A lot has changed on the internet over the years. Google, one of the biggest search engine players in search… Read More

Apa Itu Kata Kunci SEO & Kenapa Ia Penting?
Profile picture of Iffah Farhanah

Apa Itu Kata Kunci SEO & Kenapa Ia Penting?

Jika anda menjalankan perniagaan di Malaysia, ia adalah sangat penting untuk memastikan laman web anda optimasi untuk… Read More

The Best of White Hat & Black Hat SEO: Grey Hat SEO

The Best of White Hat & Black Hat SEO: Grey Hat SEO

If you’ve ever searched for information on SEO, you’ve probably come across the terms “White Hat” and “Black… Read More

Cara Praktikkan SEO dan SEM Untuk Perniagaan Anda
Profile picture of Iffah Farhanah

Cara Praktikkan SEO dan SEM Untuk Perniagaan Anda

Bila mula berjinak-jinak dalam pemasaran digital ini, frasa SEO dan SEM mesti… Read More

What is YMYL, and Why does it Matter?

What is YMYL, and Why does it Matter?

The abbreviation “YMYL” (Your Money or Your Life) is frequently used in SEO. Read More

8 Types of Schema Markups For Small Businesses
Profile picture of Iffah Farhanah

8 Types of Schema Markups For Small Businesses

Schema Markup (often called schema) is a semantic vocabulary of tags (or microdata) that you can add to… Read More